Monday, February 1, 2010

Glo-lite Neon Are Neon Tetras, Glo-lite Tetras, Or Red-eyed Tetras Most Tolerant?

Are neon tetras, glo-lite tetras, or red-eyed tetras most tolerant? - glo-lite neon

I want to make my favorite tetras and 3 types (in order) 1 Glo-Lite 2 Red Eye Tetras Neon Tetras TETRAS 3. I have a 12 gallon and would be a nice guy like school from 6-9. Which of these three is the tetras tolerant. I am relatively new (a year and a half) for
Fish hold, so I like fish that can survive to learn my mistakes. this list to 1-3 fish is the easiest to fish is the worst.


RowdyBul... said...

Great Tetra you there. I currently have three types in the schools.

Enjoy ... Species more tolerant of 3 is red eye. The second is the neon and the third is the Glow Light Tetra.

Since the school is ... Gallon in 12 schools could probably put 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. neon tetra other school that you mentioned.

Lights I would do. In my experience, are similar in activity and behavior.

You could go with a wide variety ... to think otherwise ... Black Light Tetra. They are small, like the Neon and the willingness of the school with them.

The Serpa, Black Rock, and "greatest" Tetra are tweezers. And keep in a period of 12 gallons, a school for the same type.

6 neon tetra
Glow Light Tetra 5

Normally, people will say, and too many fish, but it can slip under the neon string of problems with the space below.

Big Media in the infiltration and that's all.

The Red-Eye Tetra are cool, but found them is a little different. My neon lights flashing and the whole school a little more than my red eyes and one of 2 different types of Tetris.

If you go with red eyes, is my proposal, a school of rummy nose are with them.

Red Eye 5
5 Rummy Nose

I like the / Neon Glow Combo best light, but another school of tetra (rummy nose), red eyes are cool too.

Best of luck!

wolfsang... said...

I say one of the three will be fine as long as you remember correctly acclimatise, I can not at home and throw them to understand, do not let them into the bag for 10 minutes, then open and release the pass after ten minutes start to the Open bag and pour the water to reach underground sufficient to allow fish to swim into the pocket without difficulty. Then slowly begin to let the water into the tank to fill the bag, it is useful to get to the water type, the slight differences in texture and trace elements to be used. This usually happens you lose a lot at once. Buy and do u sure do small additions and once it starts to tank syndrome

trkbuild... said...

All your options are almost equal. All are fairly easy to maintain and require the same care. So take some good specimens. No broken fin and body shape and very fast swimmers. If one easily caught by them, they become ill. Good luck!

BrandonM said...

Red Eye Tetras seem to be the strongest of the group that you designated. Black skirts, Colombian and Serpa are also resistant

Some1 who loves BETTAS!! said...

Of these 3, neon tetras but Serapias are the best. They are spirited to each other when you have large groups. You could be a group of 10

Mindy said...

Tetras are very easy to fish care. You can use any of them together in the tank mix if you wanted.

TheCooli... said...

The fluorescent lights are never .. tolerant, they die so easily ..

There is still much research n attention to the particular type before buying and

TheCooli... said...

The fluorescent lights are never .. tolerant, they die so easily ..

There is still much research n attention to the particular type before buying and

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