Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Does Extenze Work Extenze Pills Male Enhancement,does It Work And How Long Before You Started To See Results?

Extenze pills male enhancement,does it work and how long before you started to see results? - does extenze work

I have taken Extenze pills for the enlargement of my penis. I started 9-15-06 2 capsules per day, and saw no results. I know I said a few weeks, but only a few weeks, 2,3, 4 weeks. someone these pills and how long before I see results?


djjoecru... said...

There is no pill to make your penis longer or .... no, I'm sorry. If they return a guarantee for the repayment of the money and use that money for a good night for himself ..... Good luck;)

Scott G said...

They do not work. Good luck trying to recover their money.

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